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A Gift of Grace


To each He gives a special function in salvation he alone can fill, a part for only him …

to make himself complete within a world where incompletion rules.


                                                                                          “A Course in Miracles”



The Soul Signature System speaks the language of love in a unique and powerful way. Using every painting of the Mystical Rose Gallery, laid out in your very own unique and perfect design, the System places you within a

beautiful portal, allowing you to experience yourself anew.


Just experiencing this is a gift. The System allows you to see, feel and open into a deeper connection with your greater Self. Some of the benefits received are: an increased sense of presence, expansion, healing, renewed energy,

greater awareness and understanding.


When I asked myself, “Why am I here,” from the deepest longing of my heart and soul, I was unexpectedly answered by grace. It was sublime – it was Heaven – and I knew it as the most, true thing. I was totally in love. I wanted nothing but to follow this sense of Grace wherever it led and to share it with others. The System was it's unfolding.





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The Soul Signature System offers you a doorway to your truest Self. It brings you into alignment with your soul blueprint – your unique energetic make-up - revealing your most natural way of living and expressing fully who you are in this life.


It is a doorway to knowing the love that you are and finding the fulfilment of your own consciousness expressed.


To know your Divine Essence within – that is Heaven;

To live it and express it in your own unique way

that is Everything.




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Planets, points and asteroids
   arranged in house and sign
At time and place of birth,
   you soul’s own blueprint was defined;

Now place yourself within your chart,
   your gallery so true,
To see and feel and know
   the cosmic signature of you.

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Imagine being taken on a journey into the centre of your Soul, to see yourself as you truly are now in all your perfection - how you were created to be.

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The Soul Signature System is a profound new way of using astrology that gives you a powerful experience of your qualities and potentials, free from all distortions, judgments and fears. Most importantly it provides a clear and direct connection to your true essence and deeper self. 


A session within your chart will allow you to receive a new vision of yourself, which you will naturally love and desire to embrace because you will recognize it is who you truly are. In the deepest sense, the system serves to align you to your soul, which will activate a fresh new experience of yourself and your life.



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The Soul Signature Sessions are a powerful and profound method for bringing you into harmony with your real Self.  Using spiritual art, physical templates and interpretive cards, the System takes you beyond words and intellect into a dynamic, felt experience of your personal chart.


By sitting at the centre of your unique astrological blueprint, you are taken into a deep remembering and enhancement of your personal qualities.  Your being is reflected, healed and uplifted, in both conscious and unconscious ways, as you see, understand and sense the accurate living mirror placed around you.


The System is a powerful new technology that reconnects and aligns you with Source and the truth of who you are.  Expansion, awareness and energy flow; life choices and expression are guided from within, as you

become who you were born to be.


Come home to your Self, and let your divine design uplift and inspire you.

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"I was lucky enough to recently experience my Soul Signature,   as depicted by over 30 breathtaking images corresponding to signs, planets and other astrological icons.  While I have had numerous astrology readings that have assisted me immensely in knowing myself and my journey, I can honestly say that this process took that process to the next level.


As a result of quietly focussing on the images, I went from being quite closed down initially to experiencing a deep recognition of and connection with my true essence and journey. 


I now feel much more at peace and able to trust that my journey is unfolding with perfection.  The images are unique and beautiful, containing an incredible depth, which I can now access at will.



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"The incredible cosmic energy built into Tia's innovative and transformative paintings was so impactive it enabled me to positively change my life.  Congratulations Tia. 


You have created a unique and very empowering tool to activate self-healing." 





“Wow Tia, I feel it was very deep and is still going on. I can’t believe how profound and powerful the healing tool is you have developed!  I am so grateful for this gift and really feel it was a beautiful blessing. 


I feel the healing was one of, if not the most cathartic and deeply moving I’ve ever experienced, I can’t express how much it means to me! I really felt safe and nurtured in your presence.”                                                   



“The journey was presented in a beautiful visual way that my body has absorbed on many layers.  It is as if I was waiting for this experience to remind me of who I am.  The first session introduced me to someone deep inside me that I knew, it opened the memory door and the second session locked it in.


Tia, I thank you from deep within my heart for this amazing gift.  This tool will help people to see themselves in the fullness of who they are, and give them understanding, acceptance and recognition on a very deep level.  I know this is what it has done for me.”  



"Tia's work touched me very deeply, as experiencing my own natal chart in this way assisted in realigning my physical, mental and spiritual self in a time when I was feeling very overwhelmed.
Her work allowed me to see and experience things that I could never access on my own and has provided me with a deeper level of understanding of my own energy system."


                                          Shellie-Ann King

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An inner alignment, spiritual activation and home coming....


Your Soul Signature Journey includes:

4 x sessions - 1 ½-2 hours

Beautiful A3 Soul Signature chart, which you help create.


Sessions are held in person in the Gold Coast Hinterland

For more information and to book your Soul Signature Journey



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The world of form left far behind,

finds luminescent nebulae, 

all known let go,

in deepest space, 

to meet the source of greater"I". 

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The Earth Angel Soul Signature System is a newly-created Artistic, Spiritual Astrology System, that gives you a direct lived experience of your energetic blueprint and true essence.


Astrology has been described as an art and quantum science; your natal chart, based on time and place of birth, indicates your “quantum energy package” – a unique blend of energies and potentials for unlimited expression and fulfilment in this lifetime.  In the past, this ancient practice has been used to predict probable outcomes and through interpretation reveal how an individual can consciously move beyond limitations and develop their full potential.



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The new Earth Angel System brings another dimension to astrology. It opens and lifts you into an immediate, felt knowing of your true, unified nature – your soul’s signature: who you are as an expression of love, including your unique qualities and design.  This beautiful system connects you in expanded awareness to your quantum consciousness, bringing an automatic shift from the old way of thinking to the new.


The new consciousness allows for infinite, individual possibilities, all embraced within the awareness of one living, unifying whole. The Earth Angel System takes you into this level of experience: the diverse parts of your personality, all held and harmonised in synergy within the Oneness of You and All-That-Is.




The thirty-three paintings that make up the System were received over a twelve-year journey as high-frequency transmissions of the aspects of Love. The System itself was revealed and developed over a further ten years.


"Love is an energy with your signature on it"

Glenda Green, Love without End



The energetic nature of the combined images creates the unique field of your own love imprint, which you can see, feel and sense on every level of your being.  As you absorb these energies, there are connections made to your true, divine design. You find yourself naturally aligning and anchoring into your personal signature of Self.


Immersing yourself in your chart is also transformative. Just viewing and receiving your unique constellation of images brings blocks and issues to the surface to be seen and released, powerfully and effortlessly. More space is then created for harmony, peace and joy in your life.


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When you sit in the centre of your beautiful Soul Signature, you will see and feel your Self and realise there is nothing you need do to earn this.  It’s your most precious thing – your God-given gift – it’s You, here now to be recognised and reclaimed.


The alignment to your personal Soul Signature is your connection to all that you are and to all that is. Your human - Earth and divine – Angel dimensions are unified and harmonised, to help you embody your wholeness and live the fullest, most inspired and inspiring expression of You.

The Earth Angel Soul Signature System supports you to feel and sense beyond what you currently know within yourself. 


You feel a vaster reality - more to discover - more potential - more than you thought you were . . . something infinite and magical and the sense of connection to the whole . . . 


Your connection to all that is.


"Tia is an incredible artist and after completing her soul signature system I have come home to my Self.
My journey started when I was at a crossroads with my life not knowing how to move forward, and after only 4 sessions with Tia, I have designed a new life for myself that is based on honour, integrity and love. I am clear and peaceful, and she has awakened my inner light.  I have a new sense of direction in my everyday life.
I am forever grateful to have journeyed with Tia Rose - her heart is poetry, and this experience will allow you to access your intuition to lead you to an empowered life."





"My Session with Tia was a sacred gift I wasn’t expecting.  Aligning to my chart in personal ways that I could truly only connect with during this process.  I experienced what I can only describe as a quantum shift and alignment to true expressions of my whole being.  Revealing sacred truths, downloads and energetic gifts that have allowed me to view and connect with myself in an extraordinary new way.


The sacred safe space that Tia holds through the process is such a loving gift.  I felt held and nurtured as I explored my chart.  I highly recommend these sessions with Tia.  If you’re ready to access the quantum leap within yourself to know thyself in mind and a heart-opening way, then take this rare opportunity to connect with Tia and the gift this brings to your soul."





On an essential level, we are all one, but we express that oneness in different ways. Your Soul Signature opens you to an experience that will reveal yourself to you, and how you are placed in this lifetime and in the larger purpose of creation,

to fulfil your destiny and purpose.


Astrology provides a precise map of who you are in this life, and the paintings are used to fill this template with the living colours of your unique soul energies. You will sense a deep connection with the images as they provide a direct connection to your soul: just viewing them in this way leads to an immediate inner recognition, harmonisation and alignment.

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  • A sense of Wonder, Appreciation and Love for Self

  • New Depths of Peace, Joy and Confidence

  • Awareness of your Unique Keys to Abundance

  • Recognition of your Natural Gifts and Lifepath

  • Dissolving of Blocks and Obstacles

  • Greater Clarity, Direction, Certainty

  • Learning what Supports you to Feel Inspired

  • Freedom and Understanding to realise your Potential


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By experiencing your cosmic blueprint in this way, you will come to know that everything you truly desire is already inside you - all you seek has always been within!  The system affirms that what you know deep down is true, but to see it visually helps profoundly to fully own and embrace the reality of who you truly are.

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    The soul signature journey will support you to:

  • Align with the beauty and perfection of who you are right now

  • Recognise with crystal clarity who you are, your life path, your inner gifts

  • Remember your essence, true being and oneness with the whole

  • Know the love, peace and support that comes from connecting with your own innermost truth.


Experience the Soul Signature System for Yourself




Your Soul Signature 

A Spiritual astrology journey

Soul Signature sessions are held in person in the Gold Coast Hinterland. 

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