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'She' is beauty, deep strength and pure softness. 'She' is velvety and lush, and exudes abundance and richness.

'She' emanates grace and divine presence and embraces you with comfort and gentleness.

'She' is Heaven and Earth as one.


'She' invites you into the infinite spaciousness … and it is very easy to feel. There are no edges to Her and the space around Her … You can feel the very grounding, anchoring earth nature of Her form and also the eternal presence that shimmers lightly in and beyond … that which is animating the form.


'She' is very quiet.  Calm and perfectly quiet.  Welcoming you into Her peace ...
to rest in stillness, receive and just be.











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'She' is aliveness and life … it’s visceral.


'She' is wholeness. Embodied Soul. Complete. Perfect. One.


If your goal is union, the fulfilment of your Soul’s expression …


'She' is the one for you.

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