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Experience the beautiful Mystical Rose Journey, with Tia as your companion and guide.  Go deeper within, unlock buried treasures, awaken, discover, find answers and understanding, inspiration, new energy and new life.


You will receive:


  • 4 x 25-minute Zoom Sessions with Tia

  • unlimited email support for 45 days and a free Zoom session at the completion of your Journey. 

  •  A Gift from Tia sent to your door .... The Mystical Rose Journey Cardset. 

Cost $450  Book Now 



Personal Sessions with Tia


To Be Your Natural Whole Self


Tia offers support, connection and intuitive guidance to sensitive people and those on their path to becoming who they truly are.  Join Tia in a safe space to express and be seen, to open and receive. 


            “The two things I feel we need the most are Love and Help to See. 

I’d love to give you both.”  Tia


Tia offers support and encouragement to embrace your unique self, open to inspiration, creativity and purpose, to come into your full expression.  And to find your deep inner ground and peace.


Personal Session with Tia Book Now – 1 hour



Creating a Sacred Space


If you would like help to create a beautiful environment or sacred space or choose the perfect Tia Art for your home, office or healing room, please contact us. Email Now



Your Soul Signature – Personal Sessions


Art of Creation Course

Finding your Joy



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