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Take a Sacred Journey and explore Inspiration Island, Heart of the Feminine and Divine Union by connecting deeply with three of the beautiful paintings from the Mystical Rose Gallery.

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This is a simple painting that was one of the most magical journeys. 

It carries a great light and reminder of what we truly are. 


There is a deep peace I have always know, and it feels like it anchors me, from a place deep within.  It feels like the physical belly, but actually much deeper, deep beyond that, beyond the physical form - the anchoring in true peace. 


“Paint this,” whispered the voice, “paint from the deep peace itself.”  I follow the quiet instructions and come awake one night as I am being moved out of the physical body.  As it happens I can see from everywhere.  Outside the body, through the cells, the movement out of the body as it is happening.  









‘Seeing’ is everywhere, through every possible view.  This subtle level of myself is coming free from the solid form.  I can see outside the body and I can see everything within.  The cells are what most catch my attention.  They are exquisite.  As I completely surrender, relax and let go, I am delivered into a space of pure golden light, bathed and filled and somehow, reborn.  I am returned to my body and the next day when I wake, it is impossible to see things as they were.   


Arising from the deep peace, the painting comes forth.  There emerges light, joy and creation, and the star is inserted at the end.  Then on this same night, I wake after I have left the physical body and I am completely conscious as a brilliant radiant star, shining in the vast Cosmos.  I am pure Light!  Extending to infinity.  Immediately I know this is what I truly am: this incredible light, only this light - this IS what we all are.  A thought lights my mind: “you would think it would be borin to be a star!”  Oh, no!  It so isn’t.  It is completely fulfilling and joyous beyond measure. This light is everything. It shines from within the heart of peace, in the silent depth of our being, extending the love and joy that we are, through who we are and our creations. 





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As I drop deeper into silence, mind slowly letting go, initially resistant … Then surrender and the sense of moving down like in an elevator, dropping to ever-deeper levels of quiet. 
I seem to come to rest, feeling a sense of standing, just being on the most solid ground, the deepest part of the deepest ocean, but there is no ocean and no bottom, just vast space. 
Here is the strongest sense of safety, comfort and peace I have known.  The deepest part of my being, like standing on the deepest ground within myself - but there is no self. 
I am Self and no self, vast infinite everything and nothing.



The seeing from here is perfection.  Everything is completely ok.  Being able to view ‘myself’ and seeing that I am COMPLETELY ok.  Nothing wrong with ‘me.’  There never was a ‘me’ that was separate from all of this pure divine perfection.  It is one ocean taking continual shape and form.  One harmony, one song, many expressions and I am blessed as one of those expressions.   


An incredibly indescribable orchestration, a most grand ‘Show’ of light! 

Simply wondrous and so exquisitely beautiful to be and behold. 


Release, a sense of relaxing into this, all being extending in the Eternal, infinite, One.  Like being bathed, washed and nurtured by warm, soft water and still that sense of solidity, great strength, certainty of safety and care.  Nothing to say, it’s all love and loving, peace and peaceful, beyond words. 


Then an overwhelming sense of Feminine presence is permeating the space, mothering, very lightly holding, surrounding and infusing with love.  A feeling of surprise lights awareness.  Oh, God is a girl!  In this instance it is She. Everything birthed from this deep, vast foundation of love.  No beginning or end, She is everything.  On and in this beautiful rich ground the unknown and unknowable waters, this that can’t be named, but then a familiar feeling … 


Home .  I am Home. The home that I sought I Am. 

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There was a vision of two brilliant shining stars, side by side in the Cosmos, and between and just beneath them, the source of light from where they came. 


This was the symbol given with the deep desire for Holy Relationship.  However, this was not where the painting was to begin. 

I indicated my complete willingness, surrendered in devotion, as I painted the canvas black and added a large ‘crack in the universe’ down the centre of the canvas. 




This was my way of saying “Yes” completely. 

Please crack me open once again, use me as a vessel for this transmission of truth to appear. 


With the crack in the cosmos complete, it was then covered over again, disappearing under the blackness of another layer of paint.  Now what?  I waited.  Days, maybe a week, time didn’t really have any relevance.  Then I walked into a friend’s jewellery shop one day and as soon as I stepped in the door, he said: “Put out your hand.”  As I held out my hand, he dropped a sparkling, three-carat diamond into the centre of my palm.  Immediately there was an enormous explosion of light in my heart and it extended in every direction.  Outwards and behind me, through my heart centre and vertically through my entire body, shooting upwards through my head and down through my feet.   


I was amazed I was still standing and not thrown across the room as this explosion of light moved through me with such power and intensity.  With the light was also an enormous ecstasy and joy that I had never felt before: “Wow!  Oh this is it!  This is the beginning of the painting.”   

I returned home that night and painted the diamond in the centre of the canvas, and there it sat, shining out of the blackness.  Again the painting sat for days, maybe a week and again I waited.  Then the symbol was given and the coloured gems were added.  When they were complete, the stars formed and the union of roses was born.  As they were nearly complete, I awoke one morning to the greatest blessing given thus far.  I woke up from my sleep and my bedroom was filled with the most divine presence I have ever felt.  It was so thick in the room, so strong, I was surprised I was not able to see … ‘Him.’ 

“Oooooohhhh my … ‘He’ is here.”  This presence, it was so strong, so tangible, real, I was surprised that I could not see Him.  So beautiful beyond words, absolutely purely divine.  In openness and wonder, surrendered in this love, in this presence, which seemed to be outside of this body, filling the room.   


Then, all of a sudden it was within me.  I was one with this.  It was like something new, a new presence, the divine presence that seemed to be ‘He’ had entered and had been awakened and come fully alive inside of me.  It felt like both at once, merging with who I am.  It was the most sublime, divine, complete and fulfilling, overflowing experience.  It was like an inner marriage that was occurring, divine male and female, embracing, entwining, merging, becoming one inside of me.  Divine Union.  Exquisite, no words can describe.  Oh … nothing else needed but this, this is everything.  Basking in this union that was filling and overflowing through me, in great love and gratitude, it seemed to find its home in me and extend through and beyond myself. 

I am He, She, Eternity.  The form and the formless, 
In Holy Relationship with the One and the many



Instantly connect you to who you truly are.... immerse yourself in order to find your Self..... 


The Mystical Rose Journey Card Set is a beautifully presented card and book set gives you all you need for a profound, experiential journey through the entire Mystical Rose more.

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