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Tia Rose

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"From the moment I began painting, it was much more than just painting - it was an experience. Each painting was an expansive, healing, mystical adventure.


I was moved into a deep space of silence, fully surrendered, where a previously unknown door opened and the mystery of creation was revealed.


I was guided and inspired in the different expressions of each painting, to capture the energies and qualities of love and creation we all contain.


My whole being was infused with divine energies and grace, to leave a reflection of eternity upon the canvas."




Reunite with your Soul

Come home to who you truly are

Your doorway is waiting for you

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A doorway into your true being, supporting a deep and expansive opening into true Self.


This beautiful, Sacred Art will support you on your journey within in powerful ways far beyond words.

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The Mystical Rose Gallery comprises 33 Sacred Paintings,

inspired and created over a period of 12 years.

33 Paintings, inspired by the Deepest Reflections of Spirit,    

clear Light from above


33 Doorways to your own remembering the truth of your        

Being, divine child of Love


33 facets of Heavenly Diamond, dimensions of Peace

Shining God's Mystery


33 portals to your Home Returning -warm, joyful Welcome

to Love's Gallery

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Art for Illumination

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The peaceful beauty of every painting in Tia’s collection will transform and harmonise your home, office and sacred spaces.


Connecting with her art directly creates positive life changes for many individuals; their mere presence in an environment uplifts the energy, enhancing any room and powerfully affecting everyone

who shares the space.


The radiant, sparkling light of your special art piece reflects your transcendent nature. It will lighten your heart and bring peace to your mind, transmitting a presence that is nurturing, soul-connecting

and life-changing.  ​


Your Mystical Rose Art piece will become a valued treasure, gently supporting you and your loved ones every day of your lives.

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Awaken to your True Nature - Happiness, Peace and Light with the Mystical Rose Gallery. 


Raise your Vibration with Art that will Illuminate your Soul and attune you to your own energy system. This spiritual technology helps align you with the forces of the universe and find your way home to our loving Source of all.  Art to reconnect you with your divine Essence, your heaven within. 


The Mystical Rose Gallery supports your healing journey home to truth and becoming your whole beautiful Self.




A Mystical Rose art piece is a beautiful invitation to turn inward and spend time in quiet. Their visual and energetic presence draws you in and helps to shift your mind into stillness.


The paintings reflect different aspects of our transcendent Self.  Some welcome us into a loving embrace, giving comfort and rest, peace and a sense of Home; others offer grounding, strength, fresh energy and inspiration.


All provide a point of focus for entering the silence, expanding consciousness and helping you cultivate an ever-deeper knowing of your true, divine Essence.


Come home to peace and find everything you seek.

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The Mystical Rose paintings were received as transmissions of grace and love; created in a state of complete peace and devotion. They serve as energetic doorways to our reality beyond the world of form; all loving Spirit, gentle and beautiful beyond imagination. 


Each painting activates your sacred remembering, supporting healing and illumination. By raising your vibration, they bring back into awareness the truth of Life in universal harmony, realigning you with your heart’s natural joy.


Tia’s paintings support your healing journey home to Heaven within, inspiring, uplifting, returning you to the love

that you are.


Your Mystical Rose creation is your portal to Peace.

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Sedna provides a deep, rich and powerful presence.


She represents the link between the Earth and Heavens - the visible and invisible - and invites us to dive into our depths to uncover our inner light, creativity and abundance.

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In richest depths of tender Rose, the treasures of our Being, All beauty, love, an infinite joy, now clear in truest seeing.


Soul's Kingdom entered, unity

and peace so long awaited,

Eternal, constant, glorious,

Our Self as God created.

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Knowing - the truth

of who I am as part of Source,

complete and whole, united with the One; Yet somehow, in paradox

divine, I am the flowering of Soul unique, a separate rose become.


Dancing - in joy that comes from giving the authentic contributions of my facets to the whole; Happiness, fulfillment overflowing in true living, shining diamond-light of sovereign Soul.

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Know in silence, in your inmost soul, The spacious, deep expanse, Universe so glorious -

Surrender to the cosmic dance.


Open now your truest nature,

Shine your Light, direct and bold,

Show the earth your greatest Self - Illuminated world behold.

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In endless depth of ocean,

here a soft eternity;


She holds us close in tenderness,

allows us just to be.

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"Tia's beautiful paintings seem to inspire more beauty to bloom all around them. They are fresh and vibrant and colourful, and with them on the wall, it is impossible to allow anything to remain dull in the room.


Once I put the first painting up in the store I manage, I felt inspired to make many changes. Suddenly I had hope that the store could be beautiful. I lit candles, moved in new furniture, and ordered things I had not thought of ordering before. The addition of two further paintings was like bringing sparklers into a party. Now the store feels like a warm and welcoming home, full of colour and light, and the change

has been noticed by many.


I am very grateful to Tia for sharing her colour and inspiration with us all."




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Divine Light is a symbol for our creative centre and where we are one with our creative source. She reflects the truth of who we are: the deep peace, brilliant light and joy, silent being and holiness. Divine Light represents our inner sacred space.

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Graceful Soul radiates an atmosphere of lightness and purity and brings a presence of peace and clarity wherever it is placed. It offers a reflection of holiness and perfection, inviting the viewer to step into the present moment of grace.

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The Power of Love represents the pure divine spark of light within us all that gives us life and the Will to Be. It also represents our deep centre of peace, power, love and creativity. The Power of Love brings a clear, powerful and purifying presence to a room. 

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"Tia, your paintings inspire and bless all of humanity, stirring hearts to Awaken to the Oneness of Love.


The vibrant colours soothe the soul and the images offer a glimpse of what lies beyond the everyday perceptions of the world.


I am honoured to know you and experience the Light that radiates and expresses through you in wondrous ways."



David Hoffmeister

Author 'Unwind your Mind back to God'




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Inner Home, Nurturance, Belonging

Safety, Security

The Ground of Love

Deepest Source of Peace, Love 

and Comfort within



"As I drop deeper into silence, mind slowly letting go, initially resistant … Then surrender and the sense of moving down like in an elevator, dropping to ever-deeper levels of quiet. I seem to come to rest, feeling a sense of standing, just being on the most solid ground, the deepest part of the deepest ocean, but there is no ocean and no bottom, just vast space . . . 





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"I have always found Tia's work to be completely inspiring.  Her art invokes an experience that brings us beyond every day life to a place that transforms our experience.  Knowing her personally, I can say that her art mirrors her personality.  I cannot recommend her highly enough"


Gary Renard, Author

Disappearance of the Universe & Your Immortal Reality

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 The most fundamental quality of the Mystical Rose paintings is Peace.  In complete devotion they were received from deep peace, at one with creation and pure divine source.


Elixir of Life is a symbol for the energy and essence of life, fertility, creativity, growing and flowering. Within a room it has a grounding, peaceful and gentle presence.


Viewing this painting helps you immediately connect to your centre and inner peace and to sit with it is relaxing, calming and gently energising







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All 33 Mystical Rose Paintings are available in Large or Regular Size Canvas Prints


You can view the full collection with their true size and shape throughout the beautiful Tia Art Online Store 






"There is a deep peace I have always known, and it feels like it anchors me,

from a place deep within


‘Paint this,’ whispered the voice, ‘paint from the deep peace itself.’

 I follow the quiet instructions to paint, then one night I come awake as I am being moved out of the physical body.  As it is happening,

I can see from everywhere. Outside the body, through the cells, the movement out of the body as it is happening.  ‘Seeing’ is everywhere, through every possible view . . .


Read More

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You are the essence of the rose,
The Love of All is you,
For you are part of All That Is,
And only Love is True



 "I was flooded with a powerful loving energy and opened to an experience of beauty that transported me completely. 


I fell in love with this inner beauty revealing itself from within and flowing out from me and was opened to a never ending spiral and experience of perfect love.  There was nothing else but expanding love.  This is what we are.”






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Enter in the silence,

let the paintings lead you in,

To peace, to freedom, joy’s pure light -

our cosmic origin;

Enter in the stillness,

let the artworks take your hand,

And find once more your source of love -

your inner, sacred land.

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