Hello dear friend,
I wanted to write a personal note to you. I know your experience because it is my own. You are not alone.
As I was sitting in my studio one morning, I realised how much the paintings continue to help me to realign with my true nature and energy, release negativity and anything that is not mine, and open to new vision and inspiration. It also dawned on me that this work has been created for people like you and me.
In my studio space, which is filled with a number of paintings, my mind and energy clear very quickly and I feel like myself again. Every morning I come in here and step into a beautiful energy bath.
So that is what inspired me to share with you. If you are looking for some tools to support you and you resonate with this art, having one or more art pieces in your home or sacred space could greatly help you restore your energy and come home to yourself whenever you need. For a highly sensitive person, especially an empath, it can be almost instant. Just walking into your space, seeing the painting and feeling the energy, sitting with it for a short time, can provide a quick clearing. They can also energise you and support your alignment at the start of the day.
As a highly sensitive person, you may feel more yourself and at home in a high-frequency space like I have in my studio. Equally so, if you are opening to the spiritual dimension of yourself – the light, peace and allness of you - the paintings can be a wonderful support. If you are drawn to a number of the paintings, 3-5 small artworks in a room create an amazing energetic environment that you can rest in, bath in and be renewed in at any time.
Other things on this site may also be useful to you. The Soul Signature Journey is a great energetic alignment to your soul essence and anchoring into your unique expression. It can also help you to strengthen and deepen your inner truth and purpose, and find clarity, affirmation, confidence and inspiration.
Please contact me if you would like any more information. I wish you well on your journey.