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Tia Art
Tia Art
 Tia Art
Tia Art
Tia Art
Tia Art
Doorways into your true being,  supporting a deep and expansive opening into True Self. This beautiful, Sacred Art will support you on your journey within in powerful ways far beyond words.
Tia Art
Mystical Gallery
© TIA ART Copyright
Mystical Gallery

33 captivating Paintings, Inspired and Created over 12 years

Doorways into your true being,

supporting a deep and expansive opening into True Self. This beautiful, Sacred Art will support you on your journey within in powerful ways far beyond words.

Tia Rose Gallery is the original art work printed on to canvas just for you
This beautifully presented card and book set gives you all you need for a profound, experiential journey through the entire Mystical Rose Gallery.
The mysticl rose journey card set

This beautifully presented card and book set gives you all you need for a profound, experiential journey through the entire Mystical Rose Gallery.


Opening into the images, enjoying the writings and engaging with the contemplations, will take you on a transformative voyage of self-discovery that is both deeply nourishing and inspiring - one that you will want to do over and over again.

Sacred Art
Your Soul Signature

Imagine being taken on a journey into the center of your Soul, to see yourself as you truly are now in all your perfection - how you were created to be.



sacred art
 Tia Art

This course is unique, as it is all about YOU. Rather than being something you learn, it is a process that allows you to experience the unfolding of your inner life.


An amazing personal adventure, requiring no previous art experience or creative practice, it meets you where you are at, regardless of ability.


Access your heart’s desire and direction online completely supported and nurtured with phone or email support with Tia Rose. 

An amazing personal adventure, requiring no previous art experience

Personal Sessions

Mystical Rose Journey with Tia

Creating a Sacred Space

Sacred Heart Painting
Website Watermarks Sun .png
Finding your Joy

A beautiful visual and feeling experience..... connections in your body, heart, mind and soul.

A Message to highly sensitive people and empaths
A Message
A Message

'She' invites you into the infinite spaciousness … and it is very easy to feel. There are no edges to Her and the space around Her …



'She' Painting ....'She' invites you into the infinite spaciousness
Tia Art
Sacred Art
Mystical Gallery

Tia Art Online Store


Awaken your True Nature - Happiness, Peace and Light with the Mystical Rose Gallery. 


You can view the full collection with their true size and shape throughout the beautiful Tia Art Online Store. 


All 33 Paintings are available in Large or Regular Size Canvas Prints


Tia Art


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The home of sacred art
Mystical Rose Journey Card Set
a journey for your soul
Tia Rose
Tia Art
Astrological Art
Venus Rose Painting
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